Wyse Family & Cosmetic Dentistry

How Long Do Professional Teeth Whitening Results Last?

Jun 17, 2019 @ 10:00 AM — by Dr. David Wyse
Tagged with: Teeth Whitening

Professional teeth whitening is highly effective at removing surface stains and overall tooth discoloration, resulting in brighter, whiter teeth. At Chrisman & Wyse in Bloomington, IL, Dr. Jay W. Chrisman and Dr. David D. Wyse offer BriteSmile® to whiten your teeth by several shades in just one office visit.

But many patients want to know how long professional teeth whitening results will last. Here, we discuss what patients can do to prolong their results, and when they can expect to undergo another round of treatment.

Your Results Can Last Months or Years

How long your teeth whitening results last really comes down to how you care for your teeth after treatment. Patients that don’t follow our aftercare tips may notice their teeth yellowing months after treatment. Patients that follow these tips to maintain their results can enjoy whiter teeth for many years.

What Can I Do to Prolong My Results?

There are several things patients can do to prolong their teeth whitening results.

Do Not Smoke

Smoking cigarettes exposes the tooth enamel to nicotine and tobacco, both of which can cause staining and yellowing of the teeth. Chewing tobacco can also discolor the teeth.

Limit Foods and Drinks that Are More Likely to Stain

Certain drinks are more likely to discolor the teeth. Any dark-colored beverage, such as red wine, coffee, and soda, can cause stains.

This same line of thinking also applies to food. Consuming things like soy sauce, tomato sauce, and dark berries can stain the teeth.

Of course, avoiding all of these foods and drinks completely is not practical. But there are additional steps you can take to limit the amount of contact these products have with your teeth.

For example, try drinking dark beverages with a straw. You should also drink water and swish it around your teeth to remove as much of the food and drink remnants as possible. Finally, brush your teeth soon after consuming stain-causing foods and drinks to further limit discoloration.

Practice Good Oral Hygiene

Good oral hygiene includes brushing the teeth twice a day and flossing daily. Brushing the teeth prevents overall discoloration, and flossing prevents staining between the teeth and along the gum line.

Use a Whitening Toothpaste

A whitening toothpaste can help you maintain the results of your professional teeth whitening treatment.

Attend Regular Dental Exams and Cleanings

Professional cleanings at our Bloomington practice allow us to remove built up plaque and tartar that can contribute to tooth discoloration. Additionally, we polish the teeth to remove superficial surface stains.

During your exam, we can also advise you on any steps you can take to maintain your whitening results and determine when follow-up whitening may be needed.

Contact Our Practice

Your teeth whitening results can last for many years if you avoid or limit your exposure to products that are known to stain the teeth. In addition, practicing good oral hygiene can keep your teeth white and bright and prevent dental problems from developing. To schedule your professional teeth whitening appointment, contact us online or call us in Bloomington at (309) 663-6393.