Wyse Family & Cosmetic Dentistry

Reasons to Get a Tooth Pulled: When Do I Need an Extraction?

Aug 23, 2024 @ 10:00 AM — by Dr. David Wyse
Tagged with: Tooth Extraction

A primary goal of professional dental treatment is preserving the teeth's health, strength, and integrity. When oral problems arise, the dentists at Wyse Family & Cosmetic Dentistry, who serve Bloomington, IL, Champaign, IL, and surrounding areas, offer comprehensive restorative dentistry treatments to address dental complications and restore the smile.

While most dental issues can be repaired while preserving the natural teeth, sometimes an extraction is necessary. Tooth extraction removes the roots and crown of a damaged or compromised tooth. Here, we discuss common reasons to get a tooth pulled and, when extraction is needed, the symptoms that may present themselves to alert people of the necessity for professional dental care.

Impacted Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom teeth are the third molars that grow at the back of the upper and lower jaw. Wisdom teeth are frequently extracted because people don’t have space to accommodate the wisdom teeth, they grow improperly, or are impacted. Impacted wisdom teeth are fully or partially trapped in the jaw, so they do not erupt as they should. Impacted wisdom teeth need to be extracted because they can cause complications like infection, tooth decay, and gum disease.

Severe Root Canal Infection

A root canal infection can develop when bacteria enter the tooth’s core, where sensitive nerves and tissues reside, and the root system. A root canal infection is a painful condition that compromises oral functions and threatens the health of surrounding teeth and oral tissues. A root canal infection can often be treated with root canal therapy. However, a severe root canal infection may require tooth extraction to restore oral health and prevent further dental complications.

Significant Tooth Damage and Decay

Dental damage and decay are common oral health problems that usually respond well to professional dental care. We offer our Bloomington dental patients fillings, crowns, and other restorative dentistry treatments to repair dental damage and stop the progression of decay. Occasionally, tooth damage and decay are so significant that repair is not a viable option. In these cases, extraction is recommended.

Extreme Overcrowding

Extreme overcrowding is another common reason for tooth extraction. When the teeth are overcrowded, they sit out of their intended position and are so close together that proper cleaning is difficult. Overcrowding compromises oral functions and increases the risk of tooth decay, infection, and gum disease. Extraction alleviates overcrowding and provides the space necessary to correct malocclusion problems through orthodontic treatment.

How Do I Know Extraction Is Needed?

When dental complications are present and extraction is needed, patients often experience warning signs to alert them of the problem. Symptoms likely to be present when tooth extraction is necessary include:

When any of the above symptoms are present, individuals should schedule a dental exam to diagnose the problem and determine an appropriate treatment plan.

Contact Us

Individuals experiencing advanced dental complications unlikely to respond to restorative dentistry treatment may require tooth extraction. If you are concerned about your oral health and would like to learn how the dentists at Wyse Family & Cosmetic Dentistry can help, contact our dental practice and schedule an appointment at your earliest convenience.